not another goddamn carrd

why are we here just to suffer


Viera Veena female (she/her), don't ask a lady her age.Pale skin, dark grey hair, dark purple eyes, 6'7".LOVES: Purple!
LIKES: Flowers, jewelry (to look at, not wear), calligraphy, cold weather.
DISLIKES: Sunlight, gunpowder, being asked her age.
META: I am heartbroken I can't make her look older in-game. A hot MILF deserves to look mature.


Clara grew up in a remote mountainside village in Othard. She was still in her youth when a visiting lord selected her as his bride. The superstitious man had been urged in this direction by a mystic, thus Clara was torn from home at a young age to be molded into the man's perfect wife. Nobody stopped him, unable to go against his will and soldiers. Perhaps she'll find a better life outside of the village, her parents thought.Clara later bore her husband his first child - a son, no less - then two more, all of whom she loved deeply. Her husband by then was enjoying a series of victories that he attributed both to his own skill and to the mystic whom he consulted frequently, trusting in their divination abilities. He was not yet ready to settle down and enjoy the fruits of winning many battles across the land, having desire to conquer more and more territory and amass more wealth.One fateful night, his camp was ambushed and he emerged bedraggled from the massacre. In less than a day's span, all that he had accomplished fell to ashes. His rival lords had not been idle and they'd retaliated against his threat with all of their power, attacking successfully from multiple fronts.Clara had been at the market when her husband got home and was surprised to see his horse. She found him half-dead, soaked in blood and ash, looming over the corpses of their three children. He lunged at her screaming, "The mystic warned that you would be my downfall! I was blinded by your beauty, by how you performed so perfectly your duties as my wife!"In the ensuing struggle, she managed to kill him with his own dagger. She patched herself up in time to see her village going up in flames. Whether her husband, the rival lords, or something else had caused it, she never found out. She fled to the surrounding wilds.Clara grieved for her children, furious that she wouldn't even get to give them a proper burial, mourning that she had not been there to protect them from their father's misguided wrath. She directed her ire at the mystic and decided she could not rest until taking care of them.For uncounted years, she toiled with the goal of becoming a fearsome sorceress. She learned the arts of weaving magic, healing, potion-making. Vengeance became her reason to continue living. She learned the art of divination, though in practice it eluded her for a long, long time. Perhaps it was only with fervent prayer that she was finally able to foretell what she needed to know: she would encounter the mystic again, even all these years later, and only one of them would live.She found the mystic sequestered in a cave, living a peaceful life while Clara had not let up in her practice since forming her life's goal. Here was a magician whose efforts allowed him to match the lifespan of a Viera, who'd steered her husband and family to ruin. She did not ask his reasons. Their fight was brutal but ultimately brief.Dusting off the ashes, mana spent hurling powerful spells, Clara had survived.She continued to travel, settling down for a decade in a village or town here or there as time passed. She never stays anywhere for long out of lingering fear of attachment and that perhaps somehow, in some way, she really was the cause of her children's deaths.

Therius "Ikuradon" Myron

Miqo'te male (he/him), 31Light tan skin, medium pink hair and eyes, short tufted tail, 5'8".LORE: Therius is loath to talk about his past, spurning attempts to get him to open up. His homeland was occupied by the Garlean empire. He and Masako met in Hingashi.Therius is an analytic person whose high intelligence can give him an air of superiority at times. He prefers to plan before acting, and maintains the finances of his mistress and her restaurant. He holds seniority over her retainers and acts as leader in Masako’s absence.META: Ikura (salmon roe) is scarlet and salmon flesh is coral, but pink is cuter, so he's pink.

Rush "Wagashi" Teo

Miqo'te Seeker male (he/him), 27Tan skin, purple hair, medium green eyes, short fur, 5'7".LORE: Rush’s origins are steeped in mystery; getting personal information out of him is impossible. Hopeful patrons of Masako’s restaurant will approach him at times, but all he will reveal is that he and his mistress met in a “chance encounter” and he has been working for her ever since. He is known to shut down any and all advances directed at him.Rush is the aloof and cold ‘bad boy’ type with the demeanour of an unruly stray, but his service skills are unparalleled. He’s extremely perceptive, paying attention even when it seems as if he’s tuning out an entire conversation, and anticipates the needs of his mistress before she’s aware of them herself. Of course, he doesn’t use these skills with the patrons of the restaurant and couldn’t give a rat’s arse about his popularity with them.META: Wagashi is a traditional Japanese confection. Rush's nickname is obviously ironic.

Lyorra "Adzuki" Cane

Viera Veena female (she/her), 28Fair skin, wavy dark brown-purple hair with light red streaks, rolanberry red eyes and facial tattoos, 6'1".LORE: Lyorra was born in Gridania as the oldest of five. She learned to care for her siblings before herself. She moved to Ul'dah briefly to study arts both mercantile and weaving-related. Many of the city's natives were difficult to connect with, especially when they saw her as little more than a pretty face.She befriended Masako at the Weavers' Guild and they studied the craft together before Lyorra returned home to both care for her family and work for Masako.META: Adzuki is red bean paste - a sweet name for a sweet lady!

Junko "Tero-taro" Teraoka

Miqo'te Seeker female (she/her), 22Medium-tan skin tone, lavender hair, pale sky blue eyes, 5'.LORE: Junko was born in a small Yanxian village where she grew up without parents, raised by her grandparents. Her older sister was her only company, becoming the pillar of her life when their grandparents finally passed. She disappeared abruptly when Junko was 14 and Junko set out to find her.Perhaps the spiritual embodiment of the 9 lives concept, Junko travelled a path blessed by fortune. Though the journey was rough, she avoided death both nimbly and accidentally in a manner not unlike her soon-to-be mistress. When she ended up in Shirogane, she was grievously injured but was cared for by Masako, recovered her strength, and worked for her for several moons. After, she returned to her search for her sister now with the aid of Masako's connections and blessing.META: Crazy that blended taro is that colour.

Maguro Nakamura

Au Ra Xaela male (he/him), 25Blueish skin, navy hair with white highlights, dark eyes with yellow-orange limbal rings, 7'3".LORE: Maguro’s hometown was a victim of Garlean invasion and his life was nearly claimed alongside those of everyone he’d ever known. He was found in rough shape by Masako in Gyr Abania, and was cared for by the Resistance for a time before finding work as a bounty hunter that took him to Othard. While living in Hingashi, he encountered Masako again and went to work for her. She gave him an identity and name.Maguro oftentimes comes across as quiet and introspective, being someone who hovers at the edge of conversation without contributing to it, but his true personality is brash. A variety of experiences alongside trauma have led to him tempering this aspect of himself, so only a healthy dose of drink and comfort can draw it back out.META: Maguro is bluefin tuna, a massive fish. Masako has a simple sense of humour like that.

Darius "Vox" Voxif

Au Ra Xaela male (he/him), 29Medium skin tone, black hair with a brown highlight, black eyes and silver limbal rings, 6'10".LORE: Self-assured and arrogant, Darius is primarily a travelling mercenary but takes up bounty hunter, adventurer, and bodyguard work as necessary. He met Masako and the others during a visit to the restaurant on a night she was performing. More than one situation of note has led to him becoming famous and infamous in equal measure among esoteric underground circles. He's most at home amongst fellow people who trade in blood, secrets, and gold.The world has treated him roughly and he is merciless in response, never backing down from a challenge. Despite this, he can be surprisingly humble when confidence and a plethora of skill do not prevail against adversity. He is driven to better himself even at the cost of others, which has resulted in him making no small number of enemies.META: Darius' colours are based off of squid - shades of brown in calamari and the silver/black eyes of the animal.


Au Ra Raen (no preferred pronouns), age unknownPale, bloodless skin, hair the colour of dirty dishwater, black eyes and limbal rings, 5'2".LOVES: Nothing
LIKES: Nothing
META: Inspired by White Fang.

Backstory (content warning)

"Know your place, you filthy rat, and remember how lucky you are to have me."One should hardly be surprised to hear that among the more unsavoury types of Ul'dah, underground fighting is a popular spectator sport for those who crave unrestricted, violent entertainment. Bloodshed is common in the ring and no less out of it; betting is ubiquitous and can result in massive gains and losses. These are, after all, the same people who sponsor and watch dogfighting.For the obscenely wealthy, spitting in the face of laws and having no morals go hand-in-hand. One who looks in the right places would be appalled or delighted to see the impressive selection of bodies available to a discreet customer with enough coin. Blight would have no memories of how it ended up in a slave market before a rich Midlander man, Garun Ost, purchased it, taking delight in an "exotic find".Blight was raised from youth to be subservient. They were initially used for sexual gratification, but when assorted circumstances resulted in their owner rapidly losing money, they were trained to fight. Garun frequented the underground fight rings both for entertainment and betting, and believed he too could possess a celebrity in the ring. One would not ordinarily repurpose an underage sex slave into a fighter, but a sturdy body is a sturdy body, and Garun had long since lost any regard for the flesh or wellbeing of others.Blight's handler, Cour, is a grizzled, no-nonsense scumbag who trained them harshly. He treats them like a wild animal, and Blight indeed resembles one; they have minimal capacity for communication. Leaning into their lack of personhood, they fight like a feral beast with claw weapons. They are dexterous, quick on their feet, and move with the smooth, calculated intent of a cat until sufficiently energised - at that point, they attack with complete disregard for their being as if rabid. It can be a frightening sight as their demeanour makes them incredibly uncanny and unsettling, an effect worsened by their berserk state.To survive the daily abuse they are subjected to, Blight clings to life with a desperate tenacity. Many combatants wins and losses can also equal life or death, but lacking education and relationships, Blight has no thoughts or concerns beyond the frenzied need to win.